

Call me by your name (英译汉)(2)

And yet, about two weeks after his arrival, all I wanted every night was for him to leave his room, not via its front door, but through the French windows on our balcony. I wanted to hear his window open, hear his espadrilles on the balcony, and then the sound of my own window, which was never locked, being pushed open as he’d step into my room after everyone had gone to bed, slip under my covers, undress me without asking, and after making me want him more than I thought I could ever want another living soul, gently, softly, and, with the kindness one Jew extends to another, work his way into my body, gently and softly, after heeding the words I’d been rehearsing for days now, Please, don’t hurt me, which meant, Hurt me all you want.

尽管如此,在他来到这里大约两周后,我每晚只想等他离开自己的房间,不是从正门,而是从我们相通的阳台上的落地窗中。我想听着当所有人都入睡后,他的窗被打开,他的草鞋踩过阳台,然后是我自己的窗,从来不上锁的窗,被他推开,他踏进我的房间,钻到我的床上,不经询问便将我扒///光,他使我渴望他,我从未想过我可以这样渴望另一个灵魂,而后他便温柔地,轻柔地,以一个犹太人对另一个的善意,将自己挤///进我的身体,温柔又轻柔地,当他听从了我已演练了多天的话语之后 —— 请你,不要弄疼我。而实际上我是想说 —— 来吧,尽情地弄疼我。

